
Two micron pixel pitch magneto

A magneto-optical (MO) spatial light modulator (SLM) with submicron pixel sizes that is driven by spin transfer switching (spin-SLM) has been proposed and ...

Practical Magneto

A 128 by 128 magneto-optic spatial light modulator (MOSLM) with single magnetic domain pixels, which is driven by using only drive lines ...

Magnetooptic Spatial Light Modulator for Volumetric Digital ...

A novel reflective magnetooptic spatial light modulator has been fabricated and its dynamic switching testing was investigated. Improvements by a factor of ...

Magneto-optic spatial light modulator with submicron

Spatial light modulators (SLMs) with submicron-size pixels are promising devices for use in wide-viewing-angle glasses-free holographic 3D displays. In ...

Magneto-optical spatial light modulator driven by current

We have developed a magneto-optical spatial light modulator (MO-SLM) with a 10 k × 5 k pixel layout and with a pixel pitch horizontally of 1 μm and vertically ...


Magneto-Optical Spatial Light Modulator System, including the Backend Controlling System and the Fabrication Methods for Pixels.


Spatial light modulator (SLM) is a real-time programmable device for modifying amplitude, phase or polarization of optical wave.

High-performance blue-green-red magneto

We report high-performance thin film multilayer structures with the capability of operating as high-contrast magneto-optical spatial light modulators (MOSLMs)

Current Status Of The Magneto

This paper reports improved device performance characteristics for the rotation angle, absorption coefficient, on-state transmission, and contrast ratio (68,000 ...


Amagneto-optical(MO)spatiallightmodulator(SLM)withsubmicronpixelsizesthatisdrivenbyspintransferswitching(spin-SLM)hasbeenproposedand ...,A128by128magneto-opticspatiallightmodulator(MOSLM)withsinglemagneticdomainpixels,whichisdrivenbyusingonlydrivelines ...,Anovelreflectivemagnetoopticspatiallightmodulatorhasbeenfabricatedanditsdynamicswitchingtestingwasinvestigated.Improvementsbyafactorof ...,...